20% off regular price of $39.00


Clear Brain Fog & protect brain health

ThinkSerine improves memory, clears brain fog and protects from neuro decline with essential amino acids and natural vitamins.

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Improved Memory

Clear Brain Fog

Brain Health

Better Focus

Neuro Protection

Better Sleep

Improved Memory

Clear Brain Fog

Brain Health

Better Focus

Neuro Protection

Better Sleep



  • ‘’I have noticed a marked improvement in my focus & memory’’

    "Being in my 50s, I wanted to take steps to preserve my mental sharpness and defend against brain diseases. Since using ThinkSerine, I have noticed a marked improvement in my focus and memory, and I take comfort in knowing that I am doing something positive for my long-term brain health."

    – Debra, 54, Architect

  • ‘’Exactly what I was looking for’’

    “ Think Serine offered the exact type of supplement we were looking for. I guess time will tell how well it works, but I figure why not try protect us. It tastes great, zero calories have no fillers, and I mix it into my morning smoothie every day. I like it, do your own research online.”

    – Eric, 28, Engineer

  • ‘’I’m ready to face the golden years head-on’’

    At 58, the fear of experiencing cognitive decline became more prominent in my daily life. Thankfully, since incorporating ThinkSerine into my morning routine, I've noticed a certain peace of mind knowing that I'm taking proactive steps to shield my brain from potential diseases. I feel protected and secure, ready to face the golden years head-on!

    – Susan, 58, Retired Teacher

  • ‘’I use it everyday in my morning coffee’’

    “I heard about Think Serine through a friend.My Mother has lived on our lake her whole life. In her mid-60s she developed ALS, there is no history of ALS in our family, and my father has Parkinson’s.

    I use ThinkSerine in my Coffee every morning, it tastes great and gives me more focus at work and, at the same time offers peace of mind that I am helping to protect myself.”

    – Mark, 51, Teacher

  • ‘’It's been a game-changer for me‘’

    I was initially skeptical about ThinkSerine, but I decided to give it a try. I must say, it's been a game-changer for me. I find myself more alert and in a better mood, even on hectic days. It has become an essential part of my morning routine.

    – Lisa, 37, Event Planner

Benefits of


Science-Backed Benefits You Can Trust

Long Term Brain Health

ThinkSerine contains L-Serine that can protect against neurotoxins that have been linked to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and ALS.

Enhanced Memory

& Learning

ThinkSerine provides essential nutrients and natural vitamins designed to enhance memory and learning ability by giving the brain what it needs for optimal function.

Reduced Brain Fog & Improved Focus

Successful people often juggle multiple responsibilities, which can lead to stress and brain fog. ThinkSerine improves focus & mental clarity by by giving the brain natural vitamins and essential nutrients it needs.

Improved Mood & Sleep Cycles

ThinkSerine is designed to improve natural sleep cycles and enhance mood, by providing the brain with essential nutrients to naturally calm the brain and improve sleep.

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How to Enjoy ThinkSerine?

Easy Ways to Boost Brain Health Daily

Add to your morning coffee

Mix into your breakfast

Shake into your smoothie

Easily added to your daily routine

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Results based on
50k+ Customer Reviews

We’ve definitely cracked the code to clear brain fog & improved focus!

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*Overall Brain Health Score

Good Memory

Sharp Focus

Stable Mood

Mental Agility

Sleep Quality

Quick Problem-Solving

2+ years of testing


*Overall Brain Health Score

Good Memory

Sharp Focus

Daily Energy

Mental Agility

Sleep Quality

Quick Problem-Solving

50,000+ Customers later

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7 Science-Backed Ingredients...

...to maintaining a healthy brain & improve cognitive health

  • 1


    L-Serine is more than just an amino acid; it's your brain's natural defense against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. By supplementing with L-Serine, you're contributing to long-term neural health.

  • 2


    Promotes the increase of acetylcholine in the brain which improves memory, enhances learning functions, and thinking skills. It is currently being used as a supplement to combat cognitive decline.

  • 3


    L-Theanine is your go-to for achieving a state of calm focus. Naturally found in green tea, this amino acid works wonders for your mood. It helps in alleviating stress and anxiety, allowing you to concentrate better on tasks at hand.

  • 4

    Vitamin D3

    Vitamin D3 is neuroprotective and is involved with supporting many important brain functions. D3 also improves bone health, boosts the immune system, helps lower blood pressure, and is known for its role in cancer prevention. Most modern diets are deficient in D3.

  • 5

    Vitamin B6


    Vitamin B6 is a crucial nutrient for cognition and mental health. Low vitamin B6 status can lower your brain’s production of serotonin and GABA – two neurotransmitters that control mood, pain perception, and anxiety. Vitamin B6 also enables the metabolism of amino acids, carbs, and lipids in your body.

  • 6

    Vitamin B12


    Vitamin B12 is important in brain health and function and it nourishes the brain and nervous system. It plays a role in serotonin production and is known to help fight depression. Vitamin B12 is also an essential nutrient that helps the body create DNA and assists with the formation of healthy red blood cells.

  • 7

    Magnesium Taurate

    Magnesium is the key to unlocking better sleep and mood balance. This essential mineral plays a crucial role in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, including those that regulate your sleep and mood.

4.9/5 (2,579 reviews)

Maintain your Brain

Maintains Brain Health

Reduced Brain Fog & Improved Focus

Enhanced Memory & Learning

Improved Mood & Sleep Cycles

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Limited time offer $20 OFF

Customer Reviewss

  • “ThinkSerine is the real deal!”

    "ThinkSerine is the real deal! As someone who is prone to bouts of stress and anxiety, I was skeptical at first. But after a week, my quality of sleep improved, and my daily stress levels have significantly decreased. I can't thank you enough!"

    -Jack, 45

  • “I feel like I've regained control of my life!”

    "With two young kids and a busy home to manage, 'brain fog' was my middle name. Since incorporating ThinkSerine into my daily routine, I feel like I've regained control of my life. I'm much more focused, and the tasks that used to overwhelm me seem manageable now."

    -Maria, 36

  • “It’s been given a mental 'reset”

    "I've been using ThinkSerine for a couple of weeks now, and I've noticed a remarkable improvement in my memory and focus at work. It's like I've been given a mental 'reset.' Even my colleagues have noticed, and they keep asking me what my secret is!"

    -Diane, 52

  • “Improved my attention span”

    "I was getting really concerned about my cognitive health, especially because my father suffered from Alzheimer's. ThinkSerine has not only given me peace of mind, but it's also genuinely improved my memory and attention span. I even feel more upbeat!"

    -Robert, 63

  • “My sleep quality has improved”

    "I do shift work, which used to mess with my sleep cycle. ThinkSerine has been a game-changer for me. My sleep quality has improved dramatically, and I'm waking up feeling refreshed. Even my mood seems more stable throughout the day. Highly recommend it!"

    -Emily, 41

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Frequently Asked Questions

Still curious? See our most commonly asked questions

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Think Nutraceuticals, LLC
Wilmington, Delaware 19810
Made in USA

Copyright © 2020 Think Nutraceuticals, LLC